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Company Formations

Company incorporation is the process of forming a new company or legal entity, which can be used to carry out business activities, hold assets, and enter into contracts. The process of incorporation typically involves filing a number of legal documents with Companies House and paying any necessary fees. A limited company has owners (shareholders) and directors, who may or may not be the same people. A company has a formal, legal address, called the registered office.  

Incorporating a company can provide a number of benefits, such as limited liability protection for the company's directors and shareholders, the ability to raise capital through the issuance of shares, and the ability to conduct business in the company's name. However, incorporating a company also involves a number of legal and financial obligations, such as filing annual accounts and tax returns, and complying with relevant regulations and laws. Many clients choose to work with us to form their company to ensure that all the correct legal documents are filed correctly from the outset and to ensure ongoing  compliance with regulations and laws. 

Benefits of using HJ for your company formations 


legal and financial obligations met

peace of mind

togetherworksbetter HullJady

Wigan Office

41 Bridgeman Terrace



Tel: 01942 760500

Bolton Office

365 Tonge Moor Road



Tel: 01204 364652

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